Veterinary student and Vet tech student externships are available. Please call the clinic for more information or email us at siequine@gmail.com
Animal Care Services

Large Animal Services
- Farm Calls
- Haul-ins
- Vaccinations
- De-worming
- Body scoring/Weighing – Monitoring
- Performance Horse Maintenance i.e. Joint injections
- Endoscopy
- Ultrasound Examinations
- Digital Radiology
- Minor Surgery
- Umbilical Hernia
- Castration
- Cryptorchid
- Surgical wound repair
- Teeth Float - Wolf Teeth and Cap extractions
- Routine
- Power Float
- Health Exam
- Shockwave Therapy
- Shock wave is an excellent way to reduce pain and inflammation. It can speed healing time of both joint injuries, and soft tissue (muscle and tendon) injuries.
- Blood Work – Chemistry/CBC/Coggins Tests/Health Papers
- Nutritional Consultation
- Pre-Purchase Exams
- A pre-purchase exam is to identify if there are any pre-existing problems that may hinder future performance and reduce buyer risk.
- Rehabilitation
- Post-surgical care
- Medication administration
- Bandaging
- Lameness
- Digital Radiographs
- Joint Injections
- Ultrasonography
- Diagnostics Blocks - Nerves & Joints

Small Animal Services
- Dental
- Minor Surgery
- Umbilical Hernia
- Neuter
- Spay
- Feline Declaw
- Tail docking
- Ear Cropping
- Routine Care
- Vaccinations
- Nail trim
- Anal sacs
- Heartworm and Intestinal Parasite testing
- Allergy testing
- Litter Exams
- Digital X-rays
- Ultrasound